Echoes of Mine

Il est tard. Je cherche mon autre chez-moi, et je prends un chemin que je ne connais pas : un petit sentier qui longe les usines et la ville entre-coupant par la forêt. Je commence à peine à entrevoir la nature, lorsque tout d’un coup, la nuit tombe. Je suis plongée dans un monde de silence, pourtant je n’ai pas peur. Je m’endors quelques minutes, tout au plus, et quand je me réveille, le soleil est là et la forêt brille d’une lumière éclatante.

Je reconnais cette forêt. Ce n’est pas une forêt ordinaire, c’est une forêt de souvenirs. Mes souvenirs. Cette rivière blanche et sonore, mon adolescence. Ces grands arbres, les hommes que j’ai aimés. Ces oiseaux qui volent, au loin, mon père disparu. Mes souvenirs ne sont plus des souvenirs. Ils sont là, vivants, près de moi, ils dansent et m’enlacent, chantent et me sourient.

Je regarde mes mains. Je caresse mon visage, et j’ai 20 ans. Et j’aime comme je n’ai jamais aimé.



who is that fucking gorgeous man? lol



He laid down on an open field one fine afternoon and he caught himself staring at the sky slowly changing hues, as if it were an endless piece of canvas and there was some invisible hand that swimmingly painted over it; gazing at the setting sun and feeling its warmth slowly recede away from his skin, like ocean tides crawling away from the shore; listening to the insect noises reverberate from underneath the grass patches through the air above, only to be relegated by the wind to some other place God only probably knows where. He caught himself staring at the empty space beside him, his hand half-buried on the grass, and half-clenched, as if wanting and waiting to hold someone else’s; listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat pounding against his chest like a sub-woofer blasting against a hollow wall; breathing in deeply, as if every inch of breath came with a heavy price. As if every bit of it was his last.

It only dawned upon him, right in that very moment where he laid down, that he had finally begun to realize one thing: that no matter the distance, wherever he might be, no matter how much he tries to forget the person that he truly cares about and regardless of the means, he will never be able to deny the fact that he has finally fallen in love, and that it really hurts; that if only time and fate would allow him to do anything to make it work between them, he would; that if only he had the guts to say how much that person means to him and how much she’s changed his life, he would. For what would be worse than to lose the person you love? he asked himself.

He didn’t answer.

After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure. ~J.K. Rowling



Proletarian production versus bourgeois consumption; Adobe Photoshop for the restless fingers, and Microsoft paint for the uninteresting noob; The Korean you meet in real life? Totally off tangent from the one you ubiquitously see on your television or computer screen. I post a photo of my ahem, down there, wearing only nothing but my underwear – online – and only then do people start noticing the little icon by the side that was once always ignored and left to collect dust in cyberspace.

I indulge myself in the swerving attention, and I eventually throw it away like a crumpled candy wrapper to the side of the pavement, where it finds its spiritless resolve through the cracks.

I am superficial, and so is everyone else. The world operates on the surface: appreciating only the things that glimmer, that glisten, that glitter within the glitz and glamour of this gargantuan shithole that is capitalism, re-appropriating one’s material and human desires based on an endless catalogue of technologically eroticised and enhanced, unblemished images all  inadvertently displayed in virtually all forms of communication media. Under the scorching and painful heat of this empirical reality, I douse myself in the infinite ocean of all the things that I want, but can or will never have. I binge on the dreams and desires set upon me by the powerful rhetoric of the image that fondles my eyes as I scan through the pages of the weekly magazines. The realities we create on paper, in print, on the small and big screens, digitised and running through the vast underwater cables of the world into our portable electronic machines, flabbergast us to the extent that the only thing we are able and capable of doing as a form of collective consumer response is either to take them all in like a bitter pill to cure some sort of prevaricating disease, or to leave them flying all over the place like some imponderable, quasi-tautological train of thought. And as I deleted that photograph of mine I began to wonder, what kind of response and traffic I would get, if I were to post a fully-naked photograph of myself.

lol people would probably puke on their computer screens

Yeah, well, anyways, today was a very productive day.



Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need. ~From the movie Fight Club, based on the novel by Chuck Palahniuk

love b&w

love b&w

Passion makes the world go round. Love just makes it a safer place.

By The Window

Every day, the street a few floors below my apartment window is filled with people, ostensibly from all walks of life. I look at those who pass by the roadside and – always consequently much to my overwrought amazement – I wonder, what are they up to? Where are they going? Who are they meeting? What did they have for lunch? Who might be getting married tomorrow, or next week, or who just had liberated themselves out of an incarcerating relationship? You know, all the possible random questions that might pop out of your head like a probable mathematical model for a strange-looking origami on any given day. On any day when you’re alone and sitting on a broken chair and have no one to talk with.

It is also on these days where I frequently find myself trying to make sense of the world around me. There was once when I spent two hours in the shower trying to figure out why facial expressions such as a smile tend to be universal in nature, whereas other physical gestures such as kisses or handshakes or bows of varying degrees of posture signal different meanings, depending on the sociocultural or geographic setting. In some places, they might not even exist at all. I turned off the shower, dried myself with a clean towel, sat on the toilet seat for a few minutes, and eventually came into the conclusion that although there the are varying levels of social indexicality found in non-verbal means of communication such as body language, eye contact and sign language, we must take the physiology of the human head into consideration. So a smile, as much as it is a form of expression that promotes positive interpersonal relationships, or a sophisticated biological process of muscular contraction and relaxation, is suprasegmentally a part of the human body that helps keep a positive outlook in one’s life, which is crucial in maintaining good health. A smile is, quintessentially, a tool for survival. That’s why everybody knows how to do it. That’s why everybody has the capacity to understand the meaning behind every smile.

But what is a smile, when there is nothing to be happy about? This city is crammed with people and here I am sitting by the window pane whose edges have turned opaque with dirt and hard water. Here I am watching them pass by as if all that the world has to offer me are potholes and dim lights and cold winter snow, bicycles and Sunday newspapers, fire hoses and telephone booths, brisk walks and the shoulder-to-shoulder traffic of white-collared workers at the end of a long day from their offices. I look at all of these from the comforts of my room and I feel alone, more alone every day.

Life is a barren desert, a hollow cylindrical container, an empty cup, and the questions and complexities of the world I live in are my daily dose of hot coffee that wakes up my senses in the wee hours of morning – but only strong enough to do just that. No matter how much I try and keep myself busy or make my life productive and worthwhile, the days in general feel just like an endless and dreamless sleep. The existential questions and mysteries of the world accumulate and drift away somewhere else, like clouds in the sky that form overhead and fall down as rain on a faraway, distant town. Time passes by sometimes, though (when luck decides to strike me a little), when a day feels like a timely refuge to the nostalgic past. Some other times, time passes by and offers me a lofty escape to whatever the distant future might hold.

Time offers me a lot of things. And time is what takes them all away from me.

I sit on the broken chair by the window, and smile.

Were you lying all the time, was it just a game to you?